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Theatrical Design Interactive - online shop & goodies

Available to buy online, Theatrical Design Interactive is a line of interactive learning tools for the development of knowledge and skill in the art and practice of lighting, sound, or makeup design for the stage. Utilizing audio, graphics, video, animation, text and a powerful and intuitive interface, a student discovers and implements the very practical skills of designing for the stage while they control the pace!

Our titles are available through us directly (via PayPal or Square), Stage Research and Amazon.

Lighting Design v3 DVD-Rom

Makeup Design DVD-Video
Theatrical Makeup Design Interactive
Sound Design DVD-ROM
  • Direct $59.99 ships free via Priority Mail (trackable in US) within 24 hours
  • Stage Research
  • Amazon$ 59.99

Direct $ 179.95 ships free via Priority Mail (trackable in US) within 24 hours
Stage Research $179.95
Amazon $179.95
Vimeo $ 5.50 - $89.95

Direct $59.95 ships free via Priority Mail (trackable in US) within 24 hours
Stage Research $59.95
Amazon $59.95

Workbooks now available for Lighting and Sound Design!
Click on the cover image to download a PDF preview of the workbook.
Lighting is 86 pages, Sound is 42.
Workbook Version 3  
Sound Design Workbook
Lighting Design Interactive Workbook Version 3
CreateSpace $15.00
Amazon $15.00
Available now!

Sound Design Interactive Workbook
Amazon $15.00
Available now!

Updated for Version 3; 86 pages! A great companion for "Theatrical Lighting Design Interactive", this workbook is like a college course syllabus and lesson plan, stepping you through the process of designing the lighting for 2 productions.    

Gadgets that make life easier (or more fun) for the Theatrical Designer / Technician:

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This page last updated
February 18, 2015

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