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By Kade Mendelowitz PO Box 81522, Fairbanks, AK 99708

Technical Support

Currently, TLDI V2.5 does not work on higher than OSX.1 ("Mountain Lion").
    This issue should be resolved with Version 3 due September, 2014.
    Theatrical Sound Design Interactive is not affected by this. Only Lighting is.

Technical Support Issues

Information Form - Please let us know about the support problem you are having.

Your Name? required

Please enter your e-mail address here: required

Please tell us about your system:
Check all that apply
Windows 95:
Windows 98:
Windows 2000:
Windows ME:
Windows XP:
Windows Vista:
Windows 7 (32-bit or unsure):
Windows 7 (64-bit):
PowerMAC OS8:
PowerMAC OS9:
PowerMAC OSX /10:
RAM 16-24 MEG:
RAM 32-48 MEG:
RAM 64 + MEG:
External Speakers:
16-bit graphics card:
4-speed CDROM or faster:

Please describe the problem you are having:
