Learn at your own pace with this complete interactive learning tool for the development of knowledge and skill in the art and practice of lighting design for the stage.
Utilizing audio, graphics, video, animation, text and a powerful and intuitive interface, a student discovers and implements the very practical skills of lighting for the stage.
Perhaps you don't have access to legitimate instruction in the art of lighting design; now you have the ability to learn about lighting on your own in a new, fun way! This program makes extensive use of graphics, audio, animation, video and interaction so the world of light can encompass you too!
Many High School theatre teachers are truly directors with great vision. Unfortunately, they are not all qualified to teach students the required skills to properly light their productions. If you're an eager-to-learn High School student; this DVD is the answer! Many High School teachers have purchased this software to use in their own classrooms. Now you have access to the same instruction many teachers are turning to.
Are you a community theatre participant who wants to learn more about lighting? This tool is perfect for you!